Dance in the Clouds: AWS, GCP & Azure — Who’s Leading the Waltz?

4 min readJun 29, 2023


“Choosing a cloud provider is like dating. They all say they’ll meet your needs, but it’s not until you’re neck-deep in the relationship that you find out Azure snores, GCP doesn’t do dishes, and AWS always leaves the toilet seat up!” — Confused CTO

If you’ve ever had the delightful task of choosing a cloud provider, you know it’s akin to deciding which flavor of ice cream to order. Each option is deliciously enticing, promising creamy happiness with every scoop. Yet, your satisfaction ultimately hinges on your personal preferences. Are you a stickler for classics like Vanilla (AWS), or do you prefer something punchy like Raspberry Ripple (GCP)? Maybe you’re into experimental tastes like Tiramisu (Azure)?

Just like ice cream parlors, the world of cloud computing is crowded with providers, each attempting to outdo the other with their flavor profile — the creamy texture of security, the tantalizing swirls of performance, the crunchy bits of pricing, and that delicate wafer of customer service. Each offers something different, yet they all essentially do the same thing: host your data and run your applications.

Here’s the scoop on the three big guns in cloud computing: AWS, GCP, and Azure.

AWS: The Old Guard in New Clothes

Let’s start with the pioneer, Amazon Web Services (AWS). It’s the sturdy Vanilla in a world of exotic flavors, leading the pack with a comprehensive and mature suite of services. If there’s a service you need, AWS probably has it, along with some you didn’t even know existed. If the cloud were a grocery store, AWS would be the mega supermarket.

AWS excels in performance, often leading the benchmarks. But, beware! Its pricing is as complex as assembling an IKEA bookshelf, with unexpected costs that might pop up like those sneaky missing screws. On the upside, their customer service, AWS Support, has the reputation of a savvy Sherpa guiding you through the treacherous terrains of cloud management.

The downside? Some critics argue AWS is as intuitive as a chameleon in a bag of Skittles. The learning curve can be steep, but isn’t that part of the thrill?

GCP: The Punchy Upstart

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is the Raspberry Ripple of cloud computing. It’s bold, innovative, and quite refreshing. GCP holds a reputation for leading-edge services in AI, machine learning, and data analytics, much like Google’s penchant for helping us find that obscure movie we watched one late night.

Performance is top-notch, often matching or exceeding AWS. Pricing is a bit more straightforward but still has some surprises in store (like finding a whole raspberry in your ice cream). GCP’s customer service is friendly, but it can sometimes feel like you’re talking to a chatbot. But hey, it’s Google — shouldn’t we expect our service with a side of AI?

GCP is a robust contender but remember, while Raspberry Ripple is divine, not everyone likes raspberries.

Azure: The Dark Horse

Azure, Microsoft’s offering, is like the sophisticated Tiramisu of the cloud world. It has an unmatched integration with other Microsoft products. So if you’re already invested in the Microsoft ecosystem (like a Tiramisu fan invested in coffee and mascarpone), Azure is your cloud provider of choice.

Azure’s performance and security are commendable, and its pricing is comparable to AWS and GCP. As for customer service, Azure’s is as comforting as a warm blanket on a cold day. And with added value services, such as hybrid cloud capabilities, Azure dances to its own beat in the cloud computing ballroom.

However, Azure’s complex interface might have you spinning like a caffeine-fueled Tiramisu fan. But as with anything else, practice makes perfect.

Cloud Agnostic Infrastructure: Your One-way Ticket to Cloud Independence

So, how do you avoid getting locked into one particular flavor and ensure that you can freely hop between cloud providers as easily as switching from Vanilla to Raspberry Ripple? That’s where being ‘cloud agnostic’ comes in.

In layman’s terms, a cloud agnostic infrastructure means not getting too cozy with any one provider. It’s designing your system in a way that, if you ever need to pack your bags and move to another provider, you can do it without breaking a sweat (or your bank).

To achieve a cloud agnostic infrastructure, follow these golden rules:

  • Leverage Multi-Cloud Management Platforms: These are like travel agents for your cloud migration. They make moving from one cloud to another as easy as a summer breeze. Platforms like Cloudability, RightScale, or Scalr can be your best friends.
  • Use Cloud Agnostic Tools & Services: Think of them as your universal travel adaptors. Docker, Kubernetes, and Terraform are excellent examples of tools that play well with all major cloud providers.
  • Abstract Your Services: This means keeping your dependencies on cloud-specific services to a minimum. While it’s tempting to use those shiny services unique to a cloud provider, every one of them is like an extra piece of furniture you’ll have to move later. Stick to the essentials!

So, Who Should You Dance With?

Well, who’s leading your cloud computing waltz entirely depends on your needs and preferences. Do you want a wide variety of services (AWS), machine learning superiority (GCP), or seamless integration with Microsoft products (Azure)?

And remember, just as in any good waltz, it’s okay to change partners. With a cloud agnostic infrastructure, you can switch cloud providers with ease and keep your organization nimble.

So go ahead, step into the exciting ballroom of cloud computing. And remember, while the music plays, don’t forget to enjoy the dance!




Cloud Architect, DevSecOps Engineer & Full Stack Web Developer. Open source advocate, spreading positivity and innovation through code!